0755-82908211 info@sensorstech.com 耐特恩网站


日期: 2018-08-14
浏览次数: 63
28.06.2022Pin assignment for the UP13-plug connector updated in K6D154 - K6D300UP13 Pin assignment
28.06.2022Pin assignment for the UP13-plug connector updated in K6D154 - K6D300UP13 Pin assignment
04.03.2022Technical data of the GSV-6A M12 updated, now with the 8-pin M12 connectorGSV-6A M12
27.02.2022Knowledge-Base and Support Form onlineKnowledge-Base and Support-Form
25.02.2022new version of GSVmulti: integrates functionality of DAQ2keyboardGSVmulti 1.49
14.01.2022New measuring amplifier GSV-6A M12 in aluminium housingGSV-6A M12
11.01.2022The new ring force sensor KR29KR29
16.12.2021the smallest 3-axis force sensor from 500mN - K3D35K3D35
01.11.20213d / STEP-model for the biggest 6-axis sensor K6D300STEP-file for K6D300
26.10.2021Mounting instructions for the K3A155 sensors availablemounting instructions
02.08.2021Manual for the Ultraminiatur Data Logger GSV-6BTgsv-6bt
25.06.2021update manual sensorsba-sensors-en.pdf
01.06.2021new professional Version GSVmultiGSVmulti Professional
01.06.2021new version GSVmultiGSVmulti V1.48
12.03.2021Data sheet KD80se revised: Accuracy class 0.5%, 10Hz Data frequencyForce Sensor KD80se
18.02.2021New fore transducer in ultra miniature execution for tensile and compressive measurementsUltra miniature force sensor KD18s
18.02.2021New ring torion force transducer with high accuracy for tensile and compressive measurementsForce sensor KR55
16.02.2021Application report about strain measurements with an amplifier GSV-6BTStress-analysis-15
16.02.2021Application report about the strain gauge installationStress analysis 14
16.02.2021New ultraminiature force transducer for tension and compression measurementdouble bending beam force sensor KD33
12.02.2021New crack sensor / dendrometer CS40Crack sensor CS40
03.02.2021new Version GSVmultiGSVmulti V1.47
29.01.2021new manual for GSV-6BTba-gsv6bt-en.pdf
06.01.2021The 6-axis force/torque sensor K6D154 is now available with the robust UP13 connectorK6D154 with UP13
06.01.2021Configuring Decimal Places Decimal Places
06.01.2021Scaling Factor of measurement amplifiersScaling-Factor
20.12.2020Photogallery ME-BuildingME-Building
18.12.2021USB 2.0 converter 83785USB 2.0
13.12.2020Online Calculator for Sensors with strain gaugesStraingage-Calculator
03.12.20201-channel DIN rail housing amplifier with PROFINETENOD4-T DIN Weighing transmitter
05.11.2020Description of the lifetime of strain gauge sensorsLifespan ME sensors
03.11.2020New Charger IMAX B6AC V2 as replacement for charger Ultramat 14 plusCharger IMAX B6AC V2
07.10.2020New compression force sensor: KM10aKM10a overview
07.10.2020New in electronic accessories: SD card micro, USB cable, travel adapterAccessories in shop
06.10.2020New in the straingauge-adhesive category: UHU epoxy adhesive with static mixer and dosing gunUHU adhesive
01.10.2020Smaller, but with more power: the new miniature measuring amplifier as pcb GSV-5GSV-5 overview
28.09.2020Notes on mounting K6D sensorsk6d-mounting
25.09.2020'Basics on CAN bus' is now available in Englishkb-canbus-en.pdf
19.09.2020Fotogallery about the ME BuildingME-Building
17.09.2020Key guard for the measuring amplifier GSV-8DSGSV-8 Key guard
17.09.2020Rack for up to 5x GSV-8DS, synchronization up to 40 channelsGSV-8 Rack
16.09.2020Overview of all 6-axis force/torque sensors, comparison of the technical data, in German and EnglishK6D - Comparison table
15.09.2020Measuring amplifier for ICP vibration sensorsICP-Transmitter
07.09.2020Various temperature tests for sensors ranging from - 40°C to + 180°C now available in shopTemperature tests for sensors
03.09.2020Overview of the suitable measuring amplifiers for straingage stress analysisamplifiers for stress analysis
02.09.2020Mounting instructions for three-axis sensors are now available in EnglishK3D-Mounting instructions
01.09.2020update of the English version of ME-GlossaryME-Glossary
31.08.2020the new 1-axis piezoelectric accelerometersPCB-accelerometers
28.08.202016-channel measuring amplifier consisting of 2x GSV-8DSSet of 2x GSV8DS
27.08.2020Adapter board for GSV-6PI to connect the K6D sensorAdapter board GSV-6PI
26.08.2020Manual for screw-on strain sensors updatedba-da-so-en.pdf
26.08.2020Manual for high-resolution strain sensors updatedba-da-hr-en.pdf
08.07.2020Update of Ethercat Esi FilesGSV8_EtherCat_ESIfiles.zip
08.07.2020Update der Anleitung für GSV-6 'Clickr_clackr' (german version only)ba-clickr-clackr-pdf
08.07.2020New Windows DLL for GSV-8 and GSV-6 measuring amplifiersMEGSV86dll_v1_33.zip
11.05.2020Strain-Gage-Starter-Kit updatedStarter-Kit-Basic
08.05.2020Photo Gallery ME BuildingME-Building
21.04.2020Profile of ME measurement systemsprofile
01.04.2020new 6-axis force/torque sensor F6D45F6D45
27.03.2020new load cell KM55 with inner thread M10KM55 M10
12.10.2020our new buildingME_Building
07.10.2019new version of manual for Force/Torque Sensorsba-k6d_en.pdf
02.09.2019new load cell KM55KM55
15.08.2019Design Review of TS70 --> TS70aTS70a
15.08.2019Documentation of GSV-6DEV updatedGSV-6DEV
08.08.2019GSV-6PI incl. PCB with 2xSubD44HD connectorsGSV-6PI SubD44HD
06.08.2019new housing for mounting GSV-6LHousing GSV-6L
06.08.2019new SMD-solder Sn60Pb38Cu2 Ø0,23mmSn60Pb38Cu2-100g
25.07.2019new force sensor K3AK3A
04.07.2019new force/torque sensor K6D300K6D300
02.07.2019new 3-axis acceleration sensorA3S 4030
28.06.2019Update of manual GSV-6btba-gsv6bt-en.pdf
27.06.2019Connection cable with MP11 for 6-axis sensors in 5m, 10m and 20m length availableMP11- connection cable
23.06.2019Cut-off Frequency, Data FrequencyCut-off FrequencyData frequency
21.06.2019screwable calotte for sensors series KDsCalotte screwable
11.06.2019Synchronization cable for two pieces GSV-8DSGSV-8DS Sync-cable/2
06.06.20196-axis multi-component sensor K6D175 with new robust plug connector UP13K6D175 10kN/1kNm/UP1320kN/2kNm/UP1350kN/5kN/UP13
05.06.2019New variant for GSV-1H: connection  of strain gage quarter bridges 350 ohmsGSV-1H 010/250/2/QB350
04.06.2019Update of the GSV-8 manual: voltage source is addedba-gsv8_en.pdf
29.05.2019Transportation box for 6-axis force/torque sensor K6D225transportation box K6D225
28.05.2019New robust connection cable for large 6-axis multi component sensorsConnection cable with UP13 plug
27.04.2019New variants of KD80se 100N/010-5 and 200N/010-5 with output signal 0... 10 VKD80se 100N/010-5KD80se 200N/010-5
27.04.2019New variants of KD80s 100N and 200NKD80s 100NKD80s 200N
20.04.2019Resolution of Force sensorsResolution of force sensors
21.03.2019New product: shield for GSV-6 PI as a 6-channel amplifierGSV-6PI Shield
01.03.2019Description of the configuration options for ME measuring amplifierGSV::Configuration
28.02.2019New load cell KM38 with the internal thread M4 for the compression force measurementKM38 M4
22.02.2019Basic equipment for strain gauge applicationBasic equipment strain gauges
12.02.2019new Windows DLL for GSV-8 and GSV-6, C# LibraryMEGSV86dll_v1_27.zip
12.02.2019new multi-component K6D150-sensorK6D150
04.02.2019DAkkS-calibration certificate for the calibrator ME145DAkkS - ME145
01.02.2019Update of Manual GSV-8ba-gsv8_en.pdf
24.01.2019Calibrator ME145: datasheet updated;ME145
21.01.2019EtherCat: Selection of the ESI file for device descriptionSelect_ESIfile.pdf
16.01.2019Basics about accuracy of multi-component sensorsK6D-Accuracy
14.01.2019General instructions for the commissioning of sensors and measuring amplifiers were createdba-sensors-en.pdf
14.01.2019User-guide for GSVmulti was createdba-gsvmulti-en.pdf
27.12.2018Site-Search function added fo Content and ShopSearch
19.12.2018Instructions for GSv-13i and GSV-13qGSV-13i, GSV-13q
18.12.2018New version of GSVmulti: 6x12 matrix, recording with data reduction mean, max, minGSVmulti
04.12.2018High Accuracy Calibration HA available for selected 3D sensorsHA-Calibration 3D
04.12.2018High Accuracy Calibration HA available for selected 1D sensorsHA-Calibration -1D
03.12.2018New miniature load cell with 5kN nominal force for compression force measurementsKM12
21.11.2018New load cell with integrated electronics KM40e for compression force measurementsKM40e
21.11.2018New s-type force sensor with integrated electronics KD80se for tension and compression force measurementsKD80se
20.11.2018Load cell KM40 with 100N and 200N for compression force measurementsKM40
20.11.2018DAkkS-Calibration of torque up to 600NmDAkkS Calibration Certificate 600Nm
24.09.20182 new adapter to terminal block for GSV-8DSAdapter SubD15HD & SubD44HD
18.09.2018Update esi-file for EtherCat GSV-8GSV8esi_v20.zip
18.09.2018Update GSVmulti: Version 1.41: Thermocouples, Bugfixes, ...GSVmult-1-41changelog_en.txt
03.09.2018New 3-axis force/torque sensorK3R70
03.08.2018The biggest 6-Axis sensor: K6D225K6D225
16.07.2018ME:: Solutions in overview, english versionSolutions
01.07.2018New product GSV-13q, rectangular designGSV-13q
29.06.2018Publication in IEN D-A-CH, May 2018,
TIMGlobal Media specialist publisher
6-axis force-moment sensor (DE)
24.06.2018New product GSV-13i, Ultraminiature measuring amplifier Ø18mmGSV-13i
23.06.2018K6D::Info; Information about K6D sensorsK6D::Info
01.06.2018New measuring amplifier: GSV-6LTE (old name), now GSV-6IoTGSV-6IoT
31.05.2018New K6D sensor K6D130 1kN/200Nm/MP11K6D130 1kN/200Nm/MP11
31.05.2018New K6D sensor K6D110 8kN/500Nm/MP11K6D110 8kN/500Nm/MP11
31.05.2018New K6D sensor K6D110 1kN/100NmK6D110 1kN/100Nm/MP11
31.05.2018New K6D sensor K6D80 500N/20NmK6D80 500N/20Nm/MP11
20.04.2018Publication of the technical article about the 6-axis force / torque sensors with the MP11 miniature connectorThe smallest plug connector in the world (DE)
31.03.2018Technology First: measuring amplifiers and filtersGSV::Filter
25.02.2018Windows 10 UWP-App für GSV-6BT: GSV-6BT_TOOL_UWPgsv6bt-tool-uwp
25.02.2018Documentation for GSV-6BTba-gsv6bt.pdfba-gsv6bt-datalogger.pdfba-gsv6bt-incrementalencoder.pdfba-gsv6bt-gattservices_en.pdfba-gsv6bt-UWP-App_en.pdf
22.02.2018New products in shop: GSV-6L needle adapter and GSV-6 blackboxGSV-6L needle adapter
GSV-6 blackbox
11.02.2018TEDS Fundamentals (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet)GSV: TEDS
11.02.2018Functions of the measuring amplifierGSV: Functions
11.02.2018Structure of the measuring amplifierGSV: Structure
23.01.2018Training: strain gauge applicationTraining: strain gauge application
21.01.2018Electronics::Technolgy FirstElectronics::Technology First
29.11.2017Software DAQ2keyboard released for downloadDAQ2keyboard-v1-0-0-19.zip
15.11.2017manual ba-k6d_en.pdf with examples for usage of 'Matrix Plus'ba-k6d_en.pdf
29.09.2017World's smallest connector for force / moment sensors in the article by Hüthig publisherall-electronics.de
24.09.2017WiFi Interface for GSV-8GSV-8 WiFi
03.09.2017Network Interface for GSV-8GSV-8 Network
27.8.2017Accessories for GSV-8DS: TCP/IP interfaceTCP/IP Interface
20.08.2017Homepage, about-us, slogan, products, jobs, slider 'programming'Technology first
18.08.2017Download Link für MATLAB example with GSV-8MATLAB
16.08.2017Review of technical data strain Sensors DA26, DA40, DA54, DA68, DAdxStrain Sensors
16.07.2017Instructions 'Add Calibration matrix' in GSVmulti for K6D sensorscalibration-matrix
04.06.2017Fotogallery of Measurement Trade Fair in NurembergSensorTest2017
31.05.2017Technical article about our 6-axis force/torque sensors with ultra miniature plug connector MP11all-electronics.de
07.05.2017Application note about JU-52 Dübendorf (Switzerland)stress-analysis-13
25.04.2018Documentation for GSV-6 / GSV-8 WIndows DLL; Programming Manual; Examples in C++ and Labview;



05.04.2017Documentation for GSVmulti 1.38ScalingShortcutsTEDSLarge displayOnline-MonitorDig-IO-PortsFiltersAnalog outputsCANbusData formatAdministration
05.04.2017New version of the software GSVmulti 1.38GSVmulti-1-38
31.03.2017Comparison table for GSV-1A8USB and GSV-8Comparison-8-channel
19.03.2017New data acquisition software 'DAQ2keyboard'DAQ2keyboard
02.03.2017new transport box for 3-axis force sensorstransport box for K3D-force sensors
17.12.2016Online tool connection planconnection plan
16.12.2016videos about GSV-6Video about GSV-6
13.12.2016new videos about GSV-8 and GSVmultiVideo-GSVmulti
08.12.2016new version GSV8termsetup-GSV8term
04.12.2016Wiring schemes for straingagesWiring Schemes
27.11.2016New Version of Software GSVmultiGSVmulti-1-37
14.11.2016Ultraminiatur Belt sensor, 100N, 7g, for belts up to 20mm widthBelt sensor KL20
18.09.2016English website publishedhttp://www.me-systeme.de/en
30.08.2016Product video 'commissioning K6D sensors'product-videos
18.08.2016Basics of CAN buscan-bus-basics
17.08.2016Information about the stiffness matrixba-k6d.pdf
17.08.2016Technical data of K6D68 was revised.K6D68
10.08.2016New sales partner in TurkeyKontakt
09.08.2016Application report strain gaugesMaeslant Wehr
08.08.2016link to the software created also under products/shop/en/software
08.08.2016Documentation GSV-6toWAMP for the product GSV-6pi/shop/en/elektronik/gsv-6/gsv-6pi
08.08.2016Product video 'First commissioning for GSVmulti'


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